International Association For Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) Colon Hydrotherapist Certification Courses

From Scratch Wellness offers certification courses for aspiring colon hydrotherapists and the many worldwide health care practitioners.

We are certified by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) at the instructor level and nationally board certified.
This is the highest level of education possible. 

265-Hour I-ACT Professional CHT Training Certification Course

Prerequisites for Professional Level Course:

  • Must have a high school diploma/GED, or equivalent

  • Must have a current CPR card

  • Must submit current passport photo or drivers license photo

  • Each new student should have received 1-3 colonics prior to entering training

Length of Course:

265 hour course is divided into 200 hours of online coursework and 65 hours in-person training at our facility in St. Charles IL.

Online Training

The 200 hours of online coursework is self-paced with a max time limit of 6 months to complete. (That averages around 8 hours of coursework weekly to complete the training in approximately 6 months.)

The online course work includes Colon hydrotherapy History & Practice / Digestive Anatomy and Physiology / Microbiology / Intestinal Toxemia / Nutrition / Drug Interactions / Business & Ethics / Complementary modalities/Certification in Food, Nutrition, Health/Two Certifications in Small Business Marketing

In-Person Training

The 65 hour in-person training includes Office Procedures / Health & Sanitation / Device Operation & Maintenance on FDA certified Aquanet EC 2000 unit and Aquanet APS100 unit / Internship of 35 supervised colonics/30 minute A&P presentation

In-person training may begin once you have completed 100 hours of the online coursework. The in person training can be completed in no less than 7 days at our facility in St. Charles, IL. In-person training dates will be coordinated between student and instructor.

Training will be performed on the FDA certified closed colonic unit devices, Aquanet EC 2000 and Aquanet APS 100 units.

Final Exam

After completing the 265 hour course we will schedule you to take the National Board Certification of Colon Hydrotherapy (NBCHT) at a testing facility closest to your home town. Once you pass the national board exam you will receive your I-ACT Professional level colon hydrotherapist certification and national board credentials (NBCHT). Passing the national board exam is required to become I-ACT certified.

a colon hydrotherapist gives a session to a client
  • Tuition for the course is $5700.00, which includes an administrative fee of $1500.00 which is non-refundable. The administrative fee enrolls you in the online training program, activates your first year of I-ACT membership, and covers all testing fees for the NBCHT exam. If tuition is not paid in full at time of enrollment, the remaining $4200 can be applied to one of our payment plan options. Tuition must be paid in full prior to beginning the 65 hour in person training. Contact us regarding payment plan options.

  • Travel, food, and lodging expenses for in person training

  • If the student begins the online training and withdraws before completing the first 100 hours of online training, they will receive a refund of 30% of the full tuition.

    If the student does not complete the 200 hours of online training within the 6 month time limit, no refund of tuition will be provided.

    If the student withdraws after having begun the in person training no refund of tuition will be provided.

    Students must notify Jen Stanley of From Scratch Wellness in writing delivered in person, mail or by electronic mail if they need to cancel out of the program. The notice must be signed and dated by the student. Student may be offered an opportunity to return at a later date. No refund will be provided to the student.

    Refunds are mailed within 30 days of the date of notification.

  • Failure to satisfactorily complete the academic or internship aspects of the training, non-payment of tuition, unethical behavior, or failure to comply with training guidelines will result in dismissal from the program and no entitlement to refund of tuition.

  • This program does not guarantee job placement to graduates upon course completion or upon graduation. Therefore you acknowledge that job placement and compensation cannot be guaranteed by From Scratch Wellness Services.

  • Certification standards vary greatly in different jurisdictions. Our program meets or exceeds the standards set forth by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy, the largest professional organization overseeing standards in the field of Colon Hydrotherapy.

To get started fill out the Application to admission form for the 265 hour I-ACT professional certification course below.

Next → Pay non-refundable administration fee of $1500 to begin enrollment process.

Non-Refundable Downpayment for 265-Hour I-ACT Certification Course

The total tuition is $5700. $1500 is an application fee and is nonrefundable.

Please email copies of your high school diploma, CPR certification, and driver’s license photo to

Contact us at regarding questions about the course.