3 Steps to Eliminating Seasonal Allergies


I used to live in Atlanta, where often on a springtime morning I would  wake to find a layer of yellow pollen covering my car. That was the first time I experienced seasonal allergies. In 2003, I started on a naturopathic program and as a side benefit, all my seasonal allergies went away. The elimination of my seasonal allergies was a result of an 18 day liver/gallbladder cleanse.

I had been free of seasonal allergies for 13 years until recentlyI woke up to itchy pressurized eyes and a scratchy sore throat. It actually surprised me when I realized I was experiencing seasonal allergies again. I didn’t want to start the 18 day liver cleanse and have to wait that long to feel better so I came up with this 3 step protocol and it worked. My seasonal allergy symptoms went away within 5 days of using this 3 step protocol.

3 Steps to Get Rid of Seasonal Allergies

1. Eliminate all dairy, gluten and processed sugar.

These foods are acidic forming, create more mucous and inflammation so you experience more pressure and pain. Processed sugar is simply sugar added to products. I eliminated these food groups out of my diet until my allergy symptoms were gone Keep fruits and honey (natural sugars) in your diet.

2. Quercitin with Bromelain.

This supplement helps address the inflammation and symptoms of seasonal allergies. Bromelain is a pineapple enzyme helpful for inflammation. I took 650mg of Quercitin and 200mg of Bromelain twice daily until my symptoms were gone.

3. Colon Hydrotherapy.

This therapy is my go to for anytime my immune system is challenged. The liver filters the environmental allergens out of our blood and sends it out of the body through the colon. Supporting the elimination of the colon always makes me feel less congested and inflamed. I also always sleep better at night after a colonic. I did 2 colonics within the 5 days that I was experiencing the seasonal allergies.

Again,  I do believe an annual 18 day liver/gallbladder cleanse is the foundation that allows this 3 step protocol to be so effective.

For more information about this 18 day liver/gallbladder cleanse or more information on nutrition, herbs and cleanses for eliminating all allergies, schedule a naturopathic consultation today! To schedule a colon hydrotherapy session or for more information regarding colon hydrotherapy read here. If outside of Illinois, find an I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapist in your area by clicking here. 


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