3 Proactive Steps to Prevent Seasonal Allergies
I lived in Atlanta for 3 years and every morning during the spring time my car would be covered with a layer of yellow pollen. Seasonal allergies were just something I had to deal with, or so I thought, until I was introduced to natural medicine. In 4 months, by changing my diet and focusing on cleansing my colon and liver, all my seasonal allergies were gone. Here are 3 things that I did that were most helpful:
- 1 Tbsp Organic Colon Powder with anti-inflammatory herbs, 1 scoop of greens powder (neutralize inflammation), 1 Tbsp Essential Woman by Barleans (essential fatty acids exert anti-inflammatory effects), 1 Tbsp liquid multi-vitamin (lowers homocysteine), in 8 oz. of water. One time daily.
- Hulda Clark's 18 Day Liver Cleanse monthly, repeated 4 times. It took me 4 months to cleanse my liver to the point where my body no longer had an inflammatory reaction to seasonal allergens. How many times you need to repeat this cleanse is due to your own body's toxic load. Consult with a naturopath regarding this cleanse.
- 100% Raw Diet for 3 months. Eliminate cooked and processed foods to reduce the immune response these foods cause on the body. Eating a diet high in raw live- enzyme foods oxygenates the body and systemically reduces inflammation. Download our 7-Day Raw Foods ebook here for over 21 deliciously raw breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes!